Swim: 1300m
Bike: 24 mi
Run: 6 mi
This race is put on by iTriEvents at Cross Creek Ranch in Fulshear, TX. They do a race that is the same course (typically) in the spring called Spring's Back. I'd recommend any race organized by them. I've done 2-3 of their races every year for the last 3yrs.
Registration and Packet Pickup:
Registration was super easy - the hubs signed me up for my birthday using the combo option - 3 races at a really steep discount. Well worth it if you plan to do all three. Packet pickup was fairly easy and organized. When I got my packet, new bike course maps were distributed, the bike course had to be changed due to an event in one of the towns. The map was a little confusing, but I thought...no big deal! I can follow signs. You'll read later, that, no, I can't actually follow signs.
Registration was super easy - the hubs signed me up for my birthday using the combo option - 3 races at a really steep discount. Well worth it if you plan to do all three. Packet pickup was fairly easy and organized. When I got my packet, new bike course maps were distributed, the bike course had to be changed due to an event in one of the towns. The map was a little confusing, but I thought...no big deal! I can follow signs. You'll read later, that, no, I can't actually follow signs.
General Comments:
The course was for both olympic and sprint distance, so you had to pay some attention to avoid just turning wherever you saw a sign. Not a big deal. On nearly every turn there was a volunteer or officer to tell you which course to follow and which way to go. Except that one turn.... Overall, I thought the course was well marked, and with all the volunteers, was well supported. Here's a picture - not from this race - but I dress the same for every race. Also, Quinn does love me, she just doesn't know how to show it.
Swim - 20mins 34 sec
Like my last race - this was swimming in a Texas lake, there's only so much you can do. The lakes around here are brown, murky, and warm. I managed to have a pretty decent swim, but I do need to actually get back into regular swim training. Floating in the pool with a beer just isn't cutting it.
Bike - 1hr 19 mins
This was my best/worst bike leg ever. Best: I stayed really strong the entire ride. My Garmin says I averaged around 20mph. Awesome. Fastest ever. So what's the bad news? I made a wrong turn, and tacked on around an extra two miles for this race. It was a really dumb mistake. I followed the signs, and made a turn that didn't *seem* right. It was also the only turn on the entire course that wasn't manned by an officer or volunteer. I was far enough behind the leaders that I couldn't see them, and far enough ahead of everyone else, that I couldn't see them either. Except the one other person, who flew past the turn. When I got to the other side of the road, I was totally convinced that I had messed everything up - and that's when I made an actual wrong turn. This resulted in an extra 2 miles, and some down time trying to figure out what way to go. Once I figured out my mistake, I kicked it into high gear, and averaged 21mph for the last 10 miles of the race.
**Post race I checked with Strava, and I was on the right course- the people who flew past the first weird turn only cycled like 22 miles of the 24...I did 26**
**Post race I checked with Strava, and I was on the right course- the people who flew past the first weird turn only cycled like 22 miles of the 24...I did 26**
Run - 47min 28 sec
This was a good run, mostly because I was still so mad about messing up the bike, that I made it my mission to pass everyone I could see. By the time I got to the end, I could hear two guys running right behind me, and I pushed through to the end to try to beat them, I think one of them just barely out-kicked me to the finish. Another fun finish!
I managed to get 2nd in my AG and a 12 min PR on this course (even with the additional mileage). Super awesome. But - for whatever reason, at this particular race site, they have hell getting results posted on time. Luckily, they provide beer and food, so it's not that bad. Unless the Packers kickoff at noon. Which they did. Good thing the awards were pretty cool. Overall, I really like this race, and will definitely be doing it again next year.
I managed to get 2nd in my AG and a 12 min PR on this course (even with the additional mileage). Super awesome. But - for whatever reason, at this particular race site, they have hell getting results posted on time. Luckily, they provide beer and food, so it's not that bad. Unless the Packers kickoff at noon. Which they did. Good thing the awards were pretty cool. Overall, I really like this race, and will definitely be doing it again next year.
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